Update 27.12.2018

Eurosens Dash installation ?

Eurosens Dash device should be connected to power, ground, ignition voltage signal and RS-485 interface (which connects GPS-tracker and installed fuel level sensor). It is placed near GPS tracker under the dashboard and doesn’t have a long cable. Eurosens Dash works in listen-only mode and reads fuel level data during GPS-fuel level sensor interaction. Eurosens Dash output – emulation of resistive level sensor output and alarm lamp control output which should be connected to the gauge or dashboard instead of same vehicle sensor wires.
To set up Eurosens Dash for different gauges and dashboards – special configuration software is used. For settings RS485 interface is used and you will need USB-rs485 adapter, for example, Eurosens Destination 02.

When we can use Eurosens Dash device?

Eurosens Dash emulates resistive signal of a vehicle fuel level sensor. It is used when we want to install accurate fuel level sensor of capacitive type (like Eurosens Dominator) instead of vehicle sensor and avoid drilling a new hole.
When we cannot use Eurosens Dash:
1. Vehicle sensor does not have an resistive output but uses another interface (frequency) or contains built-in electronic module.
2. Vehicle sensor is assembled together with fuel sender pipes. Obviously, we cannot remove it.

Resistive fuel sensors have different output ranges and Eurosens Dock can be tuned for operation with different gauges and dashboards.
Also Eurosens Dash provides a switch signal for alarm fuel lamp control.

How to install Eurosens Dock ?

Eurosens Dock device is connected to power, ignition signal (voltage) and vehicle sensor analog output (or dashboard fuel gauge input). Usually it is placed near GPS-tracker besides the dashboard panel and doesn’t have a long cable. If you don’t want to analyze the dashboard’s wiring – you can use sensor output directly from the tank. But you will need a long wire and attach it to the chassis carefully. Eurosens Dock doesn’t require any settings aside of nominal voltage setting – 12 or 24V. You can do it with configuration software using Eurosens Destination 02 adapter or we can do it ourselves before the shipment. Eurosens Dock is connected to GPS tracker using RS485 interface and compatible with all GPS trackers supported LLS protocol over RS485. By default Eurosens Dock has address #1 in RS485 network but you can change it by configurator.

When we can use Eurosens Dock device?

Eurosens Dock device improves the output voltage signal of a resistive vehicle fuel level sensor. If vehicle sensor has capacitive technology or build-in power stabilizer – Eurosens Dock will have very small effect. Also it can’t work with another types of interfaces (frequency, current-based). Eurosens Dock is able to read only voltage sensor output.
Note, that accurate fuel level sensor like Eurosens Dominator will provide better results than vehicle sensor + Eurosens Dock. If tank drilling is not possible we can recommend also Eurosens Dash solution. With a help of Eurosens Dash you can install Eurosens Dominator instead of vehicle sensor in existing hole and make an interface to the dashboard gauge with Eurosens Dash. Accurate Eurosens Dominator sensor will give you better data than Eurosens Dock.

Eurosens Dock was designed for installation in cars where you can’t install accurate sensor due to space restrictions.

How we can use contactless CAN-bus reader?

The Eurosens InCAN non-contact CAN-bus reader is used to read information from the vehicle’s CAN-bus without breaking the insulation. Eurosens InCAN does not carry out any decoding of the CAN bus messages, but simply copies the signals to the internal CAN bus of the GPS tracking system, which is formed by the CAN reader and the GPS tracker. CAN bus decoding should be performed GPS tracker! There is a popular question whether Eurosens InCAN will work with a particular vehicle. This question should be addressed directly to the GPS tracker, which a) must have a CAN bus interface b) must be able to decode CAN bus messages of this desired vehicle. The contactless reader only replaces the direct connection of the GPS tracker to the CAN bus with a contactless one, while the CAN protocol does not matter (it can be any). Also, the contactless reader works in “read-only” mode and blocks requests from the GPS tracker to the on-board CAN bus. On the one hand, this property guarantees a secure connection (important when car is on warranty), on the other hand, it can limit the number of accessible parameters, since some of them need to be requested by the GPS tracker.

How to calibrate fuel level sensor?

There are 2 types of calibration : calibration of sensor and
calibration of tank

Calibration of sensor : teach sensor by its new length after sensor
cutting. It is easy procedure, for example you can fill sensor by fuel
and click EMPTY/FULL buttons in sensor confuguration software. In most cases
it is not needed for Eurosens Dominator (see below).

Calibration of tank : necessary procedure (for any sensor). because
there are no volume sensor, all sensors are level sensors. And since users are interested in Volume (not level), you have to
recalculate level to volume somehow based on tank shape. This recalculation can be made by Eurosens Dominator fuel level sensor according to stored calibration table.

This calibration can be done in several ways:

For usual trucks and buses : 1. calibation by filling the tank by portions from empty to full condition.

For big fuel storages and tanker trucks :

2. By level-volume table provided by customer (tank supplier often
provides table to owner). This table can be converted into internal Eurosens Dominator table.
3. For tanks with simple shapes – by online calculator:

4. By drawings – we offer service of 3D model restoration and we can make calibration using this model.

Calibration of tank includes the calibration of sensor, so calibration of sensor before tank calibation is not needed.

Unlike others Eurosens Dominator fuel level sensors are modular? Are they more expensive?

Eurosens Dominator modular sensors are no more expensive than traditional design sensors.

Are Eurosens Dominator sensors certified?

Eurosens Dominator sensors are certified according to the requirements of ТР ТС 018 ТР (Russian Customs union), have the European E-mark certificate and explosion protection certificate according ТР ТС 012 with marking 0ExiaIIBT6 X.

How many fuel level sensors can we connect to the GPS tracker?

If there is a CAN or RS485 interface, their number depends on the capabilities of the GPS tracker, usually not less than 5. We can even connect several level sensors to the acquisition device via the RS232 interface. In this case, the sensors exchange information with each other via the internal K-line network, and one of the sensors transmits the result to the acquisition device.

What if I need to install fuel level sensor on a big fuel storage tank? How to calibrate this tank?

In this case, we can help to calculate calibration table which will be programmed into the fuel level sensor Eurosens Dominator. Calculation will be based on tank shape information. Inclination of the tank could be taked into account. For simple shapes like horizontal cylinder of cystern (without inclination and shape defects) you may use our online calculator

How to make the fuel level sensor installation process easier?

Calibration of level sensor Eurosens Dominator after trimming is not required! It will save you 5-10 minutes on each sensor. Calibration is performed automatically when the tank is calibrated.

Thermal stability of Eurosens Dominator fuel level sensor

Additional error of the sensor when its temperature changes from -40 to +80 degrees does not exceed 1%.

Operation life of Eurosens Dominator fuel level sensor

Fuel level sensors Eurosens Dominator are designed to work for many years, 5 year warranty.
Long service life is ensured by:
• set of power protection (up to 170 V)
• built-in galvanic isolation (up to 500 V)
• Tyco car connector without cable outlet (in accordance with automotive electronics standards).
• special automotive cables (TU 16-705.259-82).
There is no cable entrance in sensor design which is subject to vandal or accidental damage.

If the pneumatic circuit is common (front and rear axle), how do we see axial loads with one sensor ?

Each of the installed sensors in the settings of the weighing system can be assigned up to 3 calibration tables, which makes it possible to obtain up to 3 separate values of axial loads.

How does onboard weighing system cost ?

The cost depends on system complement very much. For choices of system complement need to answer on following questions:
1. Is it necessary to determine the weight of the transported cargo or only the axle load?
2. Is there a trailer or semi-trailer, if so, can one tractor work with different trailers / semi-trailers?
3. How many axle load sensors need to be installed – we will help to answer this question.
After that, it will be possible to calculate the cost of the weighing system and all its components.

About the Eurosens Difference software module for Wialon platform

Wialon, GeliosPRO, Fort-Monitor, AutoGRAPH successfully build graphs of axial loads and load weight. But to get the correct report on the volume of cargo transported rarely manages.
The standard functionality of monitoring platforms makes the following actions when building reports:
• determines the beginning and end of the cargo flight (based on data on the speed of movement and the length of the track).
• displays the value of the cargo weight at the beginning and (or) the end of the cargo flight.
What it does not suit us? First, when dividing the work of the machine into flights, the weight of the load is not taken into account, i.e. stopping a laden car for a while will cause a split of one walk with a load into two. Secondly, only the values of the load weight at the beginning and at the end of the voyage are used. If the vehicle stops on a slope, or one of the wheels is in a pit, we will get incorrect readings.
Therefore, we had to develop an application to Wialon (Wialon APP), which implements the following logic:
1. Requests sensor values from Wialon for the required period.
2. Based on the parameters of the object determines the events of loading and unloading.
3. Considers the average value of the cargo weight for the time between loading and unloading.
4. Generates a report on the screen and in Excel.
Report example:

Weighing Wialon App

What fleet tracking software is Eurosens Difference compatible with?

Axial loads and load weight arrive at the monitoring server as fuel level values from several sensors (up to 7).
This simplifies integration into the monitoring system (as it does not require the support of the new exchange protocol), but requires from the monitoring software the possible flexible use of the obtained data. We should be able to assign names to the data received from monitoring terminals and use them in reports in accordance with their physical meaning. In the well-known monitoring platforms – Wialon, GeliosPRO, Fort-Monitor, AutoGRAPH, this is done by creating sensors.
Load sensors are created on axles 1 … 5, the weight of the load in the tractor and trailer, which take the values of fuel level sensors 1 … 7, received from the monitoring terminal.
If the monitoring platform does not have such functionality, then we will not see axial loads and load weight in the reports.

Are there GPS trackers compatible with onboard weighing system ?

The terminal must suffice the following conditions:
• Have an RS485 interface
• Support LLS protocol (support for fuel level sensors via RS485 interface)
• The number of fuel level sensors supported by the LLS protocol and RS485 interface must be at least 7.
Examples of compatible terminals: Galileosky.

How to install and calibrate the weighing system?

The order is described in the installation manual, which you can download from our website //mechatronics.by/products/load-control/ Also you may look at our youtube channel


Features: Installation of sensors Eurosens Difference 01 (air spring suspension) requires tie-in pneumatic lines. Use the mounting kit from the manufacturer, but it is necessary to pre-specify the diameter of the hoses of the vehicle pneumatic lines. Installing sensors Eurosens Difference 02 (leaf spring suspension) often involves welding to fix the sensor to the chassis of the vehicle. To calibrate the Eurosens Difference system (either sensors only), bed scales (Fig. 1) or stationary platform scales (Fig. 2) are required. To calibrate a road train with a semitrailer, at least 3 axial loads are required (along all axes selected in accordance with the design scheme): • axle loads of the tractor, uncoupled trailer; • axle loads of tractor and trailer (empty); • axle loads of tractor and trailer (full). To calibrate a truck or trailer, 2 axle loads for all axles selected in accordance with the design scheme are sufficient for a full and empty state. Please note that full condition means the need to fully load the car with maximum weight.
Remote calibration is possible using the GPS tracker with remote access feature (Smart from Navtelecom). Remote calibration greatly simplifies the installation procedure. More information – in video.

What is the accuracy of the axle load and the cargo weight can be obtained?

A measurement error will depend not only on the weighing system, but also on the vehicle device, its suspension system and mass-geometric parameters.
From the experience of installations of these systems, we can say that:

The measurement error of the axle load for vehicles with air spring suspension is 1-5%, for vehicles with leaf spring suspension is 5-10% of the maximum axle load.
The measurement error of the load weight for air spring suspension vehicles is 3-5%, for vehicles with leaf spring suspension about 10% of the maximum axle load, but depends on the system configuration (the number of installed axle load sensors).

Why is it so difficult? Why is it impossible to manage only the axle load sensor?

If you only need to control the axle load – you can do only with sensors!
Sensors are connected to the monitoring terminal via an analog input, if it is necessary, you can also connect Eurosens Display F1 or Eurosens Display RS to display the load. The system is calibrated using a platform scale. The calibration is recorded in the driver display and in the monitoring software. However, there are limitations:
1. While the sensors used have an analog output – their number is limited by the number of inputs available on the GPS terminal. If a tractor with a trailer has 5 axles – we need 5 analog inputs of the terminal.
2. If the tractor changes trailers, then each calibration change becomes incorrect when the trailer is changed. It needs to be changed both in the driver’s display and in the monitoring program.
3. The load weight is not determined.
Therefore, we use the Eurosens Difference-T modules for translating the sensor signals into digital form, after which they can be connected to the required number. Eurosens Difference-T modules also store axial load calibrations and geometrical parameters of the tractor and trailer (if available). Therefore, when changing trailers, the system continues to display the correct axle loads.

Also translated into “digital” allows you to apply the Eurosens Datalink wireless bridge between the tractor and the trailer. The driver does not have to connect an extra plug each time when changing the trailer.
To calculate the weight of the load, the entire weighing system is required, including the Eurosens Difference-T controllers and the Eurosens Display RS, which determines the weight of the load based on the data from the controllers.

What is the system Eurosens Difference consists of

1. Sensors
Air spring suspension – Eurosens Difference 01
Leaf spring suspension – Eurosens Difference 02
You can also use any sensors with analog output: regular vehicle sensors, load cells, and others.

2. Controller Eurosens Difference-T
Why is it needed:
• Receives information from one load sensor with an analog output.
• It stores the geometric parameters of the tractor or trailer where its installed
• Stores the calibration of a tractor or trailer.
• Transmits sensor signal to the digital message in RS485 interface with its address.

3. Eurosens Display RS
■ Gets information about axle loads from the Difference-T controllers.
■ Determines the cargo weight based on the mass- dimensions of the tractor or semitrailer truck.
■ Displays the axle load and the weight of the transported cargo.
■ Signals about exceeding the permissible load on one of the axles.
■ Transmits weight via RS485 interface.
These modules are interconnected by cables and T-connectors.

What is the Eurosens Difference system for

It executes the following functions:
• Individual axle load measurement for truck and trailer.
• Cargo load calculation.
• Axle overload alarm.
• Show axle load and cargo weight at the driver’s display.
• Transmit axle load and cargo weight values to the monitoring system.

Are Eurosens fuel meters certified?

Fuel flowmeters Eurosens Direct and Delta are certified according to the requirements of ТР ТС 018, have the European certificate E-mark and the certificate of the Russian River Register.

How many Eurosens fuel flow meters can I connect to a GPS tracker?

If there is a CAN or RS485 interface, their number depends on the server transfer protocol of the GPS tracker. In some projects there were up to 10 fuel flow meters connected to the single GPS tracker.

What display can be used to display fuel flow meter data?

With any fuel flowmeters Eurosens you can use Eurosens Display F1 or Display RS. Flow meters Eurosens Direct/Delta with CAN NMEA2000 interface can be used together with NMEA2000-compatible displays, such as Garmin, Lowrance etc.

I heard that fuel flowmeters often become clogged, and this interferes with engine operation.

It is recommended to install all fuel flowmeters after a regular fine filter for engine fuel. Therefore, clogging should NOT occur. If dirt particles get into the sensor, it stops. But this dirt does not fall into the expensive parts of high-pressure fuel equipment. Unlike a high-pressure fuel pump, fuel flowmeters Eurosens can be simply disassembled and cleaned. At the same time stopping the fuel flowmeter does not shut off the fuel supply to the engine.
Thus, fuel flowmeters Eurosens can serve as an indicator of the purity of the fuel system.

Does the flowmeter affect engine operation?

Differential fuel flowmeter installation with the correct selection of the model and the correct installation has no effect on the engine operation. The fuel delivery system does not change, and the resistance to movement of the fluid at the flowmeter is less than that of the fittings that are standard for the engine.

What is the measurement error of Eurosens fuel flowmeter?

For single-channel fuel flowmeters Eurosens Direct, the error is ± 1%.
For a differential fuel flowmeter, flow measurement error depends on the engine mode and the ratio of the fuel consumption in the direct and return lines. It is minimal under load, at idle the error is maximum. The average measurement error Eurosens Delta usually does not exceed ± 2% of engine fuel consumption. To compensate for the temperature expansion of the fuel (the temperature in the supply and return lines differs by tens of degrees), each measuring chamber of fuel flowmeters Eurosens have their own temperature sensor.

Is it possible to stop or wind the Eurosens fuel flowmeter with a magnet?

No. Moreover, information of such attempt will be recorded and transmitted to the GPS tracking system.

Why does it need deaerator device?

Sometimes there is air in the reverse fuel line, for example, this is noted on a number of Cummins engine models. For correct measurement of fuel consumption, it is necessary to remove air from the fuel line.
For this, we have developed a special product – deaerator Eurosens.

Is it difficult to install a Eurosens fuel flowmeter?

On the one hand, the installation of a fuel flowmeter requires knowledge of the engine design and its fuel supply systems. On the other hand, unlike fuel level sensors, fuel flowmeters do not require calibration. Therefore, the installation of the fuel flowmeter can be both easier and more difficult to install the fuel level sensor, depending on the object.
For connection to the fuel system, we offer mounting kits that include typical fittings and accessories.
In any case, we recommend to conduct an inspection of the vehicle to determine the installation scheme, select the fuel flowmeter and determine the need for additional devices (non-standard fittings, deaerator).
You can download instruction of installation on our website from the product page.

Will Eurosens flowmeters work with my GPS tracking system?

Yes, you just need to choose the model of the flowmeter with the desired interface. The most universal solution is to connect the Eurosens Direct / Delta CAN flowmeter to a GPS tracker via a CAN interface. If your tracker has a CAN interface, then you can connect our flowmeter with a CAN interface.
The CAN interface is digital, you get not only fuel consumption, but also a lot of other data: fuel consumption in supply and return lines, fuel temperature, time of intervention in the flowmeter operation, etc.
Some monitoring terminals support the connection of the fuel flowmeter via the digital RS485 interface using the Eurosens Delta (Galileo) protocol or MODBUS protocol.
The simplest but also the least functional is the connection of the fuel flowmeter via a pulse interface, and information is transmitted about only fuel consumption. The calculation of instant fuel consumption should be carried out by the dispatcher software.

What is the difference between Eurosens Direct and Eurosens Delta flowmeters?

Most diesel engines have 2 fuel lines – supply and return. The fuel enters the engine through the supply line, the excess fuel returns to the tank via the return line. To determine the fuel consumption of the engine is necessary to calculate the difference between them. So the two-channel (differential) flowmeter Eurosens Delta works. In cases where there is no return line, you can use a single – channel Eurosens Direct flowmeter.

When can be interesting to use Eurosens Delta, Direct fuel meters?

First of all, in cases where accurate measurement of the amount of fuel in the tank is impossible. For example, when the fuel tank has an irregular shape, and the equipment is operated on rough terrain – tractors, special machine. In this case, the transport monitoring system and fuel monitoring system give doubtful data with “false” fuel thefts and refueling. The analysis of such data by the operator takes time and does not give a true result. Installing a fuel flowmeter will give an accurate result of fuel consumption for any shape of the tank and the inclinations of the vehicle.
Fuel flowmeters also provide an important parameter for instant fuel consumption. For example, it can be used for:
• indirect analysis of the plowing depth (the plow penetration is greater – so fuel consumption is higher);
• choosing the optimal driving mode if the driver has a display that shows instant fuel consumption;
• identifying malfunctions of the fuel equipment or the machine as a whole.
Also, fuel flowmeters are installed not only on engines but also on other consumers of diesel fuel – boilers, heaters.

What if the equipment works on a rough terrain with large angle inclinations comparable to the measured angles?

You must install two tilt Eurosens Degree sensors, one of which is mounted on the chassis to determine its inclination, and the second determines the position of the mechanism. Further, in the monitoring software, it is necessary to determine the difference in sensor readings.

Does Eurosens Degree need to calibrate the sensor after installation?

No, the Eurosens Degree tilt sensor does not require calibration. It is enough to fix it on the mechanism and connect it to the GPS tracker.

How to connect Eurosens Degree to a GPS tracker?

The sensor sends data via several interfaces:
• Digital RS-485 interface: 3 angles of inclination in the LLS protocol (fuel level sensor protocol), 3 angles correspond to 3 sensor addresses;
• Analog output (0-10V) – angle inclination of one of the selected axes;
• Discrete output (short to ground) – when the tilt angle is exceeded relative to one of the selected axes.
In most applications, one angle is enough to detect operation.

Where Eurosens Degree can be applied?

Application examples.
• measurement of the position of mechanisms: the angle of elevation of the loader arm, garbage truck, excavator, the angle of elevation of the body of the dump truck, operation mode of the harvester;
• control of trap openings of a gasoline tank truck;
• car roll-over sensor.

What does Eurosens Degree measure?

The Eurosens Degree sensor measures the orientation of its X, Y, Z axes in space relative to the gravity vector. A similar principle is used in tablets and smartphones to rotate the screen.


Imagine that the sensor is fixed on the X-Y plane, which is parallel to the horizon. In this case, we will be able to measure the rotation of the sensor relative to the X or Y axes. A rotation relative to the Z axis will not change the inclination of the sensor relative to the gravity vector, so it will not be fixed.

Why we use Hall-effect sensors in our flow meters?

The Hall sensor is a magnetic field sensor. In contrast to the reed switch, it has a continuous signal response depending on the magnitude of the magnetic field. You can use continuity, for example, to determine the direction of motion of a passing magnet sensor. Thus, for the flowmeter, it is possible to create an algorithm for compensating for irregularities in the flow of fuel, which cause the measuring ring to move in the opposite direction. (In flow sensors built on reed switches, they are falsely counted as a normal flow). In practice, it is difficult to build such an algorithm, but our studies on the amplitude and frequency of flow pulsations in the fuel system of cars have made it possible to create a booth for imitating water hammers. Further studies showed that for reliable operation of the flowmeter on the Hall sensor, one sensor is not enough and it was decided to apply 3 Hall sensors. This complicated the algorithms, but allowed to get rid of a number of problems and make the system universal.
The Hall sensor, like a reed switch, registers the effect of an external magnetic field and flowmeters with such sensors can not make measurements when a strong magnet is brought to it. It’s in theory. In practice, the situation is the following: the reed switch can only show 2 states – there is an effect of a magnetic field or it is not and blocking its operation even by a relatively weak external magnet is not difficult. The signal from the Hall sensor carries information about the intensity of the magnetic field and the effect on it even of a strong rare-earth magnet only shifts the signal, which is easily compensated algorithmically and does not violate the performance of the flowmeter.
The complexity of the algorithms and the provision of the required speed caused the use of high-speed 32-bit microcontrollers with the ARM core operating at the frequency of 72 MHz in the Mechatronics flowmeter. The STM32 family of ST companies are not only high-performance, but also very reliable, noise-proof solutions, which further increased the reliability of the flowmeters.
The high stability of Hall sensors to the interference of the vehicle’s on-board network, and their high overload capacity, made it possible to create a line of cheap flowmeters on their basis without digital signal processing. Manufacture of flowmeters on reed switches without digital signal processing, due to the phenomenon of bounce of its contacts and weak protection from external magnetic influence, was discontinued.
In comparison with the reed switch, the Hall sensor has such a disadvantage as high power consumption, which makes it impossible for the flowmeter to operate from the built-in battery. Therefore, the rulers of the independent flowmeters Direct A and Delta A still use the detector on the reed switch.

Why I should choose Eurosens fuel meters?

Fuel flow meters have its field of application where can be called as best solution.
See this article.

On what to pay attention when choosing a fuel flow meter:

1. Correctly choose the type of flowmeter (single-chamber or differential). In order to reduce the cost, customers are often offered single-chamber flowmeters, the installation of which requires a change in the fuel supply scheme and a change in the operating conditions of the engine. Contact our technical support for assistance in choosing.
2. To work accurately on idling differential flowmeters should have fuel temperature sensors in each of the chambers. In the “supply” and “return” lines, a significant amount of fuel is constantly pumped. Since they have different temperatures, the created measurement error can substantially exceed the fuel consumption at idle.
All Eurosens Delta differential flowmeters have built-in thermal sensors in each of the measuring chambers.
3. Pay attention to the warranty conditions mentioned in the passport. Some manufacturers limit the normal warranty period by fuel amount passed through the flowmeter. In real operation, this period is over after 6-12 months.
Eurosens Direct and Delta flowmeters are accompanied by a 3 years’ warranty without fuel flow limitation.
4. Try to choose flowmeters with a Hall sensors instead of reed switches. Reed switch can be be brought into non-operational state by applying an external magnetic field. All Eurosens flowmeters (except for autonomous ones) – PH, PN, RS, CAN series use Hall sensors in the design.

I am GPS tracking provider. Why I should choose Eurosens Dominator?

Eurosens Dominator fuel level sensor will have the lowest cost during the lifecycle of GPS tracking system than any other sensor.
Especially if you take into account not only the cash costs, but also the working time of the personnel (diagnostics, repair, replacement, calibration of the tank, etc.). .

You can read about this more there:
I am owner of fleet. Why I should choose Eurosens Dominator?

Here we will repeat once again that we want to cut all possible cases of departure to check the sensor operation. It is very expensive job when sensor is installed 200+ kilometers away from your office. With Eurosens Dominator the most of problems can be diagnosed and solved remotely, thanks to modular design of sensors. This saves a lot of time and money (both yours and the customer).

While your rivals are going to offer cheapest possible GPS trackers and sensors with low reliability you can go to customer from the other side. And offer more prestigious and more economic product at the same time. It is easy to demonstrate to customer!

Difference in price between the cheapest fuel level sensor and Eurosens DOminator is less than cost on the one trip of your technicians to replace a burned sensor!

I am owner of fleet. Why I should choose Eurosens Dominator?

As a fleet owner you may be looking for a gps tracking system with fuel level monitoring option. You will need a special fuel level sensor installed in the tank. There are many manufactures presented at market. How to choose?
Most of sensors have similar precision (unlike cheapest China products). What makes the difference?
1. Stability in all operation conditions.
2. Protection of electronic module from electric disturbances at vehicle onboard circuit.
3. Sensor protection from vandalism.
4. Reliable sealing.
5. Easy diagnostic and repair
6. Warranty terms.

We suppose you buy GPS tracking system not for 1 year of operation. Rather 7 years and more. At long term the cost of system maintenance becomes more important than price of aquisition. We have made all possible things to minizime this total cost (aquisition + maintenance) during lifecycle.

How we did it?

1. It is very hard to burn Eurosens Dominator. It can be connected to 170V power source for a long time. Onboard disturbances is not a danger anymore.
2. Thanks to the modular design it is very easy to make diagnostics and replace sensor if needed. It is not necessary to call a GPS tracking supplier to replace sensor (expensive voyage, sometimes more than sensor cost). You can replace burned sensor by yourself. After sensor replace a new tank calibration is not required (several hours of the vehicle downtime).
3. Sometimes you will need to switch GPS tracking system to another vehicle. And fuel tank may have bigger height. With Eurosens Dominator you can buy only new electrodes (very cheap) and don’t need to buy a new sensor.
4. It is very easy to disassemble and clean Dominator electrodes. You don’t need to arrange this service (after several years this procedure may be needed).
5. Eurosens Dominator don’t have a cable outlets (weak place of sensors).

So, you can save 30 USD and buy cheapest sensor. But difference with Eurosens Dominator not too big, it is more profitable to save much more money during lifecycle of GPS tracking system.

Training at the customer


ALROSA, Russia, 2015

If the warranty on Eurosens flowmeters depends on the amount of the fuel passed through the sensor?

The warranty period for fuel flowmeters Eurosens Direct and Eurosens Delta = 2 years

What standards the connector on the Eurosens sensors correspons to?

In the automotive industry it is common to locate the connector on the sensor body (temperature, pressure, position, air flow, fuel level, etc.). According to the recommendations of the truck manufacturers, Eurosens fuel level sensors and Eurosens flowmeters have a connector in accordance with DIN 72585 / ISO 15170.

The main recommendations on flowmeters’ installation

It is not difficult to install the flowmeter on the vehicle.
Eurosens Direct and Eurosens Delta flowmeters are highly precise devices for diesel fuel consumption measuring. Accuracy is provided due to high-quality mechanical processing of the internal rubbing surfaces, and also due to new mathematical algorithms for signal processing.
From experience!!!
Do not allow particles of dirt and dust to enter the flowmeters! The smallest fibers can lead to jamming of the flowmeter (fuel continues to flow, but the inner ring stops rotating). This can happen even during the first installation of the flowmeter on the engine. Therefore, the accuracy of the installation engineer’s work and the cleanliness of the fuel lines connected to the flowmeter are very important.
Old filters for coarse and fine fuel cleaning are potential sources of dirt. Check their condition before installing the flowmeters and change as necessary. This will not only help the flowmeter working, but also prevent the failure of the fuel equipment of your vehicle.

What information is shown on Eurosens Display

Eurosens Display F1 is a universal indicator for displaying information about the level of fuel or the amount of fuel consumed. It depends on the external sensor that is connected to it. Information to be shown on Eurosens Display F1 is adjusted by the special software. The indicator can be connected to the sensors of various manufacturers. This is a unique opportunity.

Why Eurosens Delta measures more precisely…

Usually fuel that comes to the engine is colder, than fuel that is drained into the tank after a high-pressure fuel pump. Diesel fuel is extended depending on temperature. It brings an additional error at calculation of a difference flow.
In differential fuel flowmeters Eurosens Delta we installed a separate temperature sensor in each measuring chamber. The control microcontroller of the flowmeter, based on the readings of these sensors, corrects the volume of fuel flowing through each chamber.
Important!! Among the differential fuel flowmeters such a function available only in our Eurosens Deltaflowmeters!
It removes the additional error of flow measurement associated with the difference in fuel temperatures.
It significantly expands the scope of application of Eurosens Delta for vehicles with Common Rail systems and for vehicles complying with Euro 4, Euro 5 and Euro 6 standards.

Information on the built-in display of Eurosens Dominator RS-I…

1. After sensor calibration, the liquid level in % (percents) of the tank height (tank) is shown on its display.
2. In litres – after tank calibration.

Why Eurosens Dominator is user-friendly …

Fuel level sensors Eurosens Dominator are easy in installation, diagnostics and maintenance and it is very hard to burn them. So, business of our customer is simplified with Eurosens Dominator and its modular design.

Each of Eurosens Dominator models (AF and RS) has several customizable interfaces. So, you can use Eurosens Dominator with almost any GPS tracker. Modular design allows you to build sensor set for any object from components at your stocks. it is more flexible approach that ordering of sensors with pre-set length of electrodes.

Unlike other fuel level sensors Eurosens Dominator is attached to fuel tank not directly but via special mount plate, called bayonet. Bayonet mount allows you to de-install the sensor easily for cleaning the electrodes or performing simple diagnostics. This does not require the departure of specialists.
Eurosens Dominator can’t be burned after voltage disturbances in the vehicle onboard circiuts. Eurosens Dominator can be connected directly to power source with voltage level up to 170 Volts.

Eurosens Dominator for water measuring …

Yes. We can make the modification level sensors Eurosens Dominator, which will control the water level in the tank. They are not commercially available. We have developed the design of such sensors and adapted their internal software. Sensors are available for pre-orders.

Is there two digital interfaces in Eurosens Dominator RS …

Is it true that the two digital interfaces in the Eurosens Dominator RS sensors are outputted to separate contacts of the output connector? Yes. Dominator RS sensors have both RS232 and RS485 digital interfaces. You can choose the interface in the configuration software.

Can I use the cables…

Can I use the cables from the Eurosens level sensors for Eurosens flow sensors? – Yes. They are compatible.

If the protocol of digital level sensors is compatible

Yes. The output protocol of digital (RS-232, RS-485) level sensors Eurosens Dominator RS is compatible with protocols of other fuel level sensors’ manufacturers.

Can I buy parts of the level sensors separately?

Yes. The Eurosens Dominatorr sensors are designed in such a way that there can be flexibly supplied both electrodes and the calculating part of the sensors (sensors’ head) to customers. Mounting kits are also supplied separately.

If Eurosens Dominator AF can replace…

Eurosens Dominator AF 200x169

Yes. Eurosens Dominator AF replaces the 3 types of level sensors – the one with analog output to 5 V, also with analog output to 10 V and with a frequency output of up to 1500 Hz.